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ABA Banking Journal Podcast

Jun 27, 2018

To mark Elder Abuse Awareness Month in June, a bonus episode of the ABA Banking Journal Podcast explores how banks can successfully partner with law enforcement, Adult Protective Services agencies and other community partners to protect their senior citizen customers from elder financial abuse. The guests on the podcast — Ed Hutchison of the National Sheriffs Association and Sam Kunjukunju of the ABA Foundation — explore the following topics:

  • The growth and prevalence of elder fraud and why everyone in the bank needs to be aware of the problem
  • The kinds of frauds and scams that often target the elderly
  • How to join a “triad,” a formal partnership among law enforcement, APS, banks and other community partners that facilitates cooperation to protect seniors
  • How to build productive partnerships with law enforcement and APS even if you don’t have a triad in your area

More resources about the issues discussed in the podcast can be found in the ABA Foundation’s free new guide, “Protecting Seniors: A Bank Resource Guide for Partnering with Law Enforcement and Adult Protective Services.”