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ABA Banking Journal Podcast

Jan 30, 2019

Along with major sporting events like the Super Bowl comes a tragic increase in victims of sexual trafficking in that city. On the latest episode of the ABA Banking Journal Podcast, two top compliance executives at U.S. Bank describe how they partnered with law enforcement and leveraged transaction data to help...

Jan 23, 2019

Bankers today require a broader understanding of technology issues, especially cybersecurity, while also needing deep grounding in core leadership principles, says former bank executive and current business school teacher Greg Smith on the latest episode of the ABA Banking Journal Podcast. “We need to make sure...

Jan 22, 2019

On this bonus episode of the ABA Banking Journal Podcast, two members of the ABA Foundation team -- Sam Kunjukunju and Jeni Pastier -- join to discuss ABA's 2019 financial education programs, which are now open for registration. Kunjukunju and Pastier also discuss FinEdLink, a platform that connects community partners...

Jan 16, 2019

With the London Interbank Offered Rate — which underpins more than $350 trillion in mortgages, commercial loans, bonds and derivatives worldwide, including $200 trillion in U.S. dollar-denominated financial instruments — not guaranteed to be sustained after 2021, what should banks be doing now to prepare for a...

Jan 9, 2019

The U.S. economic outlook, while positive, is a tale of two stories, says Comerica Bank Chief Economist Robert Dye on the latest episode of the ABA Banking Journal Podcast. One story is strong current conditions, including job growth, labor force participation and wage growth. “It’s been absolutely remarkable, the...